

I’ve always struggled with my body image, especially in college. It impacts how I see myself and more importantly how I think others see me. This is a jaded way of thinking and I wanted to explore it through a film to try and rid myself of it. My friend Beau and I decided to make this film and in one day we were shooting it and on the next day it was complete. It was a great experience that resulted in a weird, experimental, and hopefully impactful film. I’m so happy I have this art form to explore not only the positive and negative things around me, but also all the things within.

- Kyle Bastin

TUB was shot in Orlando, Florida in January of 2018 with a crew of just Kyle Bastin and Beau Eckel. It was Bastin Films first collaboration of many with Media Pit.

Pictured is Kyle Bastin giving a Q&A after the world premier of TUB at the FilmSlam: a festival in Orlando, Florida held at the Enzian Theater.